Trends in the tech industry

Parveen Khurana
3 min readApr 14, 2022


Image is taken from “”

Is technology the same as in 2011 or do we need to update ourselves? Are there currently more women in our industry compared to 2011? Where do most developers live?

In order to gain an understanding of how the technology industry is changing, we examined data StackOverflow developer's survey data from 2011 to 2021. This analysis gave us some really meaningful insights. Some of the questions we explored are:

  • How the number of women in technology has changed over the years?
  • Which country has the most developers active on stack overflow?
  • Which is the most widely used IDE among developers?

With only 2814 respondents in 2011, the StackOverflow survey has gained popularity with as many as 83439 respondents in the year 2021. The 2021 survey represents 181 countries and includes questions about the technology they use, their current profession, job satisfaction, education level, and many other parameters of interest.

Women headcount in the industry

I was curious if women are more represented in technology than men. From 2014 to 2019, the percentage of women in technology increased by roughly 3.5%. This growth could be attributed to including more women, improving the working environment, retention rates, and women-centric policies.

At the same time, we see that the growth has decreased in the year 2020, and 2021, could this be attributed to COVID would always remain a question of interest

The trends are encouraging yet at the same time, the organizations could try to come up with women-specific hiring drives, policies, and so on so that the growth could be in double digits

The country with the most developers

As is evident from the graph above, most of the developers are based in the United States as per the last 11 years of StackOverflow data.

Now, this could be attributed to a number of factors like most the tech firms' headquarters are based in the states which imbibe a culture of tech-oriented people who like to then move to the states itself.

Most popular Development Environment

The data to answer this question is available from 2017 onwards and was analyzed for the three years. Seems like “Visual Studio” is the obvious choice of the developers which appears a bit surprising to me but at the same time reflects very nicely on the satisfaction level of users with visual studio


One of the most famous sites among developers, StackOverflow’s survey data is used to observe the trends in the tech industry, basis on the data exploration seems like:

  • There has been an increase in the number of women in the industry but the growth rate is restricted to single-digit
  • The United States is the most preferred location among developers
  • And the visual studio is definitely the preferred choice of the developers

The codebase for this analysis could be located over here on the git repo:

