Humbleness in Day-to-Day Life: Finding Magic in the Ordinary

Parveen Khurana
3 min readSep 19, 2024

In the hustle of everyday life — meeting deadlines, pursuing goals, and chasing success — it’s easy to miss the small, quiet moments that give life its deeper meaning. While we often measure our achievements by grand milestones, true fulfillment is often found in the ordinary. These moments humble us, inviting us to recognize the magic at work all around us.

Take, for instance, the simple act of preparing a meal. After a long day, standing in the kitchen can feel like a mundane task. But in this moment, we realize the invisible efforts of those who regularly cook for us — parents, caregivers, and loved ones — without seeking recognition. How often do they serve meals without complaint, making sure everyone else is fed before sitting down themselves? It’s these unspoken acts of care that quietly keep our lives running, often unnoticed but indispensable.

Now, consider the humble process of making curd. With just a spoonful of starter culture added to warm milk, we wake up the next morning to find it completely transformed. Though science tells us this is the work of bacteria, the simplicity of the process feels almost magical. It’s a reminder that nature works tirelessly, often in ways we don’t fully see or understand, enriching our lives in the smallest of ways. It’s humbling to think about how many processes — both in the kitchen and in nature — occur without our intervention, yet make life better.

