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Expert Systems
In this article, we discuss Expert Systems(Rule-Based Systems) and how do we use Expert Systems for Binary Classification.
Why do we care about Binary Classification?
The reason we care about Binary Classification is that in our Capstone Project, our main goal is that given an image containing some text, how do we identify this text and then translate/transliterate it to a language of our choice; that’s the goal that we have. Now before we go to this final goal, one intermediate goal that we have is that, given an image, we should be able to find out if it contains text or not. So, that’s a typical Yes or No problem which we call a Binary Classification problem. So, this is why we are interested in Binary Classification and to begin with this article, we will look at something known as an Expert System or Rule-Based system for Binary Classification.
Our goal eventually is to train a machine to make decisions for us; so a machine is going to look at an image and tell us whether it contains text or not but before we discuss that let’s look at How do Humans make Decisions.
How do humans make decisions?
So, to discuss this, let’s take an example from the medical domain where a Doctor is looking at some patients and is trying to decide whether that patient has Dengue or not. So, the Doctor might be…